Orkin Named to Training Magazine's Top 125

This marks the 11th straight year Orkin was named to the magazine's list.

Craig Goodwin (left), senior director of Rollins University and David Brill, instructional design manager, accepting the award at last night’s banquet.

ATLANTA, Feb. 19, 2013 – Training magazine recognized Atlanta-based Orkin as a Top 125 company at its annual awards banquet on Feb. 18. Orkin ranked No. 30 in 2013, up from No. 52 in 2012. This is the eleventh consecutive year the pest control company received a Top 125 ranking and the first time ever in the top 50. Training selects this prestigious list of companies based on programs tied to business objectives, best training practices and outstanding training initiatives, among other criteria. Orkin is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Rollins Inc., a nationwide consumer services company.

“We are thrilled that we moved up in the standings,” said Greg Baumann, vice president of Rollins training and technical services. “This would not be possible without the strong support of senior management, and we have committed employees at the Training and Technical Center and in the field that are responsible for strategies that put us not only on the list, but in an improved position this year.”

Last year, Rollins combined the training department with its technical services function, which oversees technological advancements and research. This allows the training department to get a more realistic view of what the needs of the field are. The synergies between the two departments also help ensure that technical developments are at the forefront of training.

Also in 2012, the company switched the Rollins TV network training from satellite-based to internet-based, state-of-the-art interactive distance learning. The live broadcasts, led by Orkin’s expert technical instructors, are combined with on-the-job training and self-directed training. Participants use a viewer response device to respond to surveys and quiz questions in real time, and instructors can provide immediate feedback on their performance. Managers can track their employee’s self-directed training in Orkin’s learning management system as they view videos on demand, complete interactive videos on demand and participate in other Web-based training.

Since 1990, Orkin has cultivated educational and entomological research partnerships with respected universities including Texas A&M University, the University of Georgia, Purdue University, Auburn University, University of Kentucky, University of California Riverside, University of Tennessee and University of Florida. With Orkin’s commitment to science and research, customers are ensured that Orkin’s knowledge, skill set, tools and training are on the cutting edge of pest control.

In addition, Rollins University, a multi-million dollar training facility, is the pest control industry’s premier hands-on training center. This Atlanta facility includes a model restaurant, commercial kitchen, hospital room, hotel room, supermarket, warehouse space and a full-sized, fully functional house for applied learning of pest and termite control methods. Cut-away walls and examples of common building practices provide commercial and residential trainees with first-hand knowledge of what to expect when servicing customers across the country.