PCT Technicians of the Year Recognized at Legislative Day

PCT recognized Mariano Acosta (residential), Jim Bailey (commercial) and Todd Walker (termite) for their outstanding service.

PCT's Technicians of the Year are (from left to right): Mariano Acosta (Arrow Exterminating); Jim Bailey (Orkin) and Todd Walker (B&B Exterminating).

WASHINGTON -  NPMA Legislative Day 2011 was an opportunity for PCT to recognize the 2010 Service Technicians of the Year. For the past 15 years PCT has recognized a trio of standout service professionals in the residential, commercial and termite categories.

This year’s winners were:
Residential Technician of the Year — Mariano Acosta, Arrow Exterminating, Lynnbrook, N.Y.
Commercial Technician of the Year — Jim Bailey, Orkin Pest Control, Columbus, Ohio
Termite Technician of the Year — Todd Walker, B&B Exterminating, Jacksonville, Fla.

“PCT’s annual Technician of the Year Program is an opportunity to recognize a trio of service professionals who truly stand out,” said PCT Managing Editor Brad Harbison. “These individuals go above and beyond their job description, whether it’s mentoring new service technicians, assisting with training programs or growing their routes through sales efforts.”