Upcoming Webinar: Benefits of Getting Employees Their Own Corporate Card

Join Divvy tomorrow for a free webinar to see how you can give all of your employees their own corporate card, all while maintaining 100% control over their spending.

What: "Why you should give all your employees their own corporate card in 2022," sponsored by Divvy
When: Oct 26, 2021, at noon (EST)
Description: Company credit cards come with a substantial set of benefits. Everything from making quicker payments to flexibility with travel expenses, corporate cards make things much easier. The issue with credit cards, however, is that they’re difficult to track and spending can get out of hand. This is especially true when you have multiple cards or have employees sharing a single card. So how can a business get all the benefits of a corporate card, while maintaining control over employee use?
Join Divvy for a free webinar to see how you can give ALL of your employees their own corporate card, all while maintaining 100% control over their spending.
Key takeaways include:
  • The benefits and rewards of a corporate card
  • Why all employees should have their own card
  • How to have complete control and transparency of company spend
  • How you can never go over budget again
CLICK HERE to register.