PPMA Launches New Video Series on Invasive Pests

The Professional Pest Management Alliance has launched an animated video series to demonstrate nationwide spread of invasive species.

FAIRFAX, Va. – To spread awareness about invasive pests, the Professional Pest Management Alliance (PPMA), which serves as the public outreach arm of the National Pest Management Association (NPMA), launched its latest video project, Invasive Species, to educate the public about the spread of these pests throughout the U.S.

This new video series, featuring six episodes of custom-animated illustrations, shines a spotlight on the various invasive species that have traveled far and wide to the United States, where they continue to spread at increasingly alarming rates. In addition to demonstrating how these pests arrived in America, NPMA is underscoring to consumers the dangerous health and property threats posed by these species, which often travel long distances by means of international shipping and travel.

“Instead of telling people about the various pest-related health and property threats posed by invasive species, we decided to show them with engaging visuals to tell the story of their spread,” said PPMA Executive Director Cindy Mannes. “We invite our fellow industry members to join us in spreading this information in a joined effort to minimize the spread and, as a result, prevent future damage to consumers’ health and homes.”

Currently, PPMA has the full video on the site, which highlights the brown marmorated stink bug, Asian giant hornet, Asian longhorned tick, spotted lanternfly, red imported fire ant and Formosan termite. Watch the full video here and check back for new mini episodes for each invasive species. 

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