Critter Control Celebrates 20- and 25-Year Anniversaries of Franchisees

The company recognized long-tenured franchisees during its 30th annual convention at the Sheraton New Orleans.

NEW ORLEANS, La. —  Critter Control held its 30th annual convention at the Sheraton New Orleans last week and a dozen employees and franchisees received Critter Control gold anniversary watches commemorating 25 years or more of service to the world’s greatest wildlife control firm. The franchisees are pictured below:

Twenty-five year franchisees recognized by Critter Control were (from left to Right) CEO Kevin Clark, Don and Mars Vandenbos (Grand Rapids, MI), Danielle Flowers (Cleveland, OH), Beth Jezek (St Louis, MO), Tom Brungardt (Kansas City, KS), Vanetta ‘Happi’ Truan (Plymouth, MI) Kevin Kaclik (Pittsburgh, PA), Robin Wilkes (Indianapolis, IN) and Sean Carruth (Traverse City, MI). Not pictured: Dr George Rambo (N Virginia), Brad Reiter and David Novey (Chicago, IL).

Also during the convention Critter Control recognized 20 year anniversaries of Michigan, Ohio and Washington based franchisees. These franchisee owners are pictured below:

Twenty-year Critter Control franchisees include(left to right) CEO Kevin Clark presented awards to Mike Mead and Karen Awrylo (Seattle, WA), Terry Rastetter (Akron, OH), and Robert and Karen Boyd (Oakland Co, MI) commemorating 20 years or more of service to the World’s Greatest wildlife control firm..