Pelsis North America Forms Technical Team

Anna Berry will lead the team serving as technical director.

Anna Berry
Anna Berry
Photo courtesy of Pelsis
JACKSON, Ga. - Pelsis North America announced the formation of its technical team. 
Led by US Technical Director Anna Berry, BCE, this team will bring subject matter experts from Pelsis North America’s full portfolio of brands to focus on their commitment to quality and innovation in product development and equipment manufacturing within the region.
"The formation of this team, led by Anna Berry, allows us to focus on continuing to delight our customers with innovative and sustainable solutions,” says Todd Pawlowski, General Manager – Pelsis North America. “We are committed to delivering innovation to the industries we serve. The goal of this team is to improve product efficiency, usability, and longevity.”
Berry a board-certified entomologist with over 20 years of experience in the pest management industry. She obtained her saster of science in Grain Science and Industry with an emphasis in Pest Management at Kansas State University. She has served as the Technical Director of Pelsis North America since April of 2022, receiving awards such as the 2023 NPMA Impact Award for Women in Pest Management.
Pelsis said that under the leadership of Berry, customers can expect more high-quality educational resources, in the form of webinars, trainings, and product related videos.