Happy Thanksgiving!

The staff of the PCT Media Group would like to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving! We are thankful to all of the industry professionals who've shared their stories with us during the past year. We also thank our readers for providing us with valuable feedback on how we can make PCT magazine and PCT Online better for you.

The staff of the PCT Media Group would like to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving! We are thankful to all of the industry professionals who've shared their stories with us during the past year. We also thank our readers for providing us with valuable feedback on how we can make PCT magazine and PCT Online better for you.

Since many of us will be meeting with relatives via Zoom, here are a few bad Thanksgiving jokes you can use to break those uncomfortable silences, courtesy of www.jokes4us.com.

Q: What kind of music did the Pilgrims like? 
A: Plymouth Rock
Q: Why did they let the turkey join the band? 
A: Because he had the drumsticks
Q: Why did the turkey get kicked out of church?
A: For using fowl language
Q: What do you call an evil turkey? 
A: Poultry-Geist
Q: Why do the pants of pilgrims keep falling down? 
A: Because their belt buckles are on their hats!
Q: Why did the police arrest the turkey? 
A: They suspected it of fowl play