PPMA Announces Bed Bug Awareness Week

PPMA is leading a bed bug awareness campaign through media relations and social media initiatives.

FAIRFAX, Va.  –  Mattresses, shoes, suitcases and boxes are just a few of the places where bed bugs like to hide. With peak vacation season almost here, the Professional Pest Management Alliance (PPMA), which serves as the public outreach arm of the National Pest Management Association (NPMA), is working to spread consumer awareness about protecting against bed bugs during Bed Bug Awareness Week, June 4-10, 2017.

This annual designation is recognized by Chase’s Calendar of Events and is celebrated throughout the pest management industry. 

PPMA is leading this campaign through both media relations and social media initiatives in an effort to engage with consumer audiences about the signs of a bed bug infestation and how to protect against this biting pest in advance of peak travel season.

“It’s important that pest control companies join us in spreading awareness about bed bugs, as many people assume that they’re simply found on beds and do not realize all that can be done to prevent this pest from crashing their vacation,” said Cindy Mannes, executive director of PPMA. “We encourage companies to devote their social media pages to bed bugs and tweet along with us using the hashtag #BedBugWeek.”

PPMA has also developed an exclusive toolkit for Mainframe subscribers to utilize as a resource in their own publicity efforts. “This is just one of the ways we like to give back to the companies that continue to help support our industry’s marketing initiatives through their investment in PPMA,” added Mannes.

The toolkit, available for download on PPMAMainframe.org, contains a customizable press release, suggested social media content, Bed Bug Awareness Week logos, high resolution photography, media training documents and a list of video content that can be directly embedded on a company’s website.

For more information about PPMA and its marketing programs or to subscribe to Mainframe, please visit http://www.NPMApestworld.org/PPMA.