Is New Car Wiring Appealing to Rodents?

Biodegradable, soy-based wiring insulation in some cars can be appealing to rodents, reports.

Biodegradable, soy-based wiring insulation in some cars can be appealing to rodents, reports.                     

It turns out a number of car brands have wiring that is tasty to rodents, according to Connecticut Watchdog, CarTalk and a number of automotive blogs.

Mechanic Marc Dueubber said many automakers have moved to biodegradable, soy-based wiring insulation in the past 10 years. It won't last forever in landfills, like older plastic wiring.

 It's great for the environment, but even better for hungry mice and squirrels.

 They are drawn to it, therefore they are chewing and eating it," Duebber said. "And we are finding nests created in the upper plenums (fresh air intakes). "

Read the entire article.

Source: Newsnet5